Friday, May 3, 2013

Rocks and Soil

Rocks and Soil 

Rocking Out with Rocks! 

We went on a rock hunt outside of the school.  Each student got a baggie and filled it with the rocks they found.
The next day each student chose one rock from their baggie.  We used the Rock Report worksheet from KindergartenKindergarten and the students described their rocks and then glued it in their scientific notebook.
 We watched the PowerPoint from Kindergartenkindergarten and then complete the "We use rocks everyday" paper and then glued it in our science notebook.  The kids loved the PowerPoint and thought it was so interesting all the ways rocks are used.

During center time each student wrote down a fact and then added it to our Kindergarten Rock Museum in the hallway.


We read Dirt: The Scoop on Soil  and then talked about what is inside soil. Then we did the soil ingredients paper from KindergartenKindergarten and added it to our science notebooks. 
Dirt: The Scoop on Soil (Amazing Science (Picture Window))

Which works best?

We did an experiment to see which soil would work best to grow a bean seed.  The choices were potting soil, outside soil, clay, or sand.  The students voted and we made a chart.  After a few weeks we determined the potting soil worked best.  

Sunday, April 28, 2013

America the Beautiful

 Each student made an American the Beautiful book.  Each day we learned about an American symbol by reading books, watching videos, and researching online.  After the students told me about the symbol we learned and I made a list on the SMARTboard.  Then the students chose three facts and illustrated each American symbol.  The final day the student made the cover and we stapled it together.  The students were very excited about their books. 

The idea came from  Kindergarten Smiles

We read two books about Abraham Lincoln then the students told me facts to write on the SMARTboard.  They got to write the facts on the papers and assemble Abraham Lincoln.  We did the same thing for George Washington.

In art center we made the American flag.  They fingerpainted the stars.  We told them to do 5 rows of 10, that was much easier to count to 50.  They cut out the red stripes.  We made to keep reminding them to cut out 7 red and leave space for 6 white. 

My mentor teacher and I cut out the Statue of Liberty's foot the exact length of 25 feet long.  The student took turns measuring the length with their bodies.  It took about 6 kids to stretch out the length of the foot.  We interactive wrote on the SMARTboard about the length of the foot. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Texas Unit

Texas Unit

We spent two weeks learning about Texas.  We learned about the state symbols, motto, flag, etc. On Friday we all dressed like cowboys and cowgirls.  We invited the parents to a Chuckwagon lunch and ate hamburgers and hot dogs. 

We did a Texas Flip book.  The students used a word bank to write the word and then cut out the matching picture. 

In math center we used chili peppers to measure area. The students measured their folder, a kleenax box, a book and a box of crayons. 

We also made armadillos and glued on macaroni and made bluebonnets.

This is the poem we read all week and the students did during centers.

Me and my mentor teacher on Cowboy/Cowgirl Day!